I suck at adulting

I suck at adulting

I'll be the first to admit that adulting isn't really my thing.  I have to pay someone to do my stallion reports, I don't even know my password or login with AQHA.  I don't  register my own foals- I am pretty sure my bestie did that for me last year.  I did however manage to file the APHA stallion report ALL BY MYSELF and even if it was 3 months late I was still SUPER stoked about it.  The baby still isn't here yet, so was it really late? NAH!  I'll tell you what I am good at- selling stuff and making money in the most random ways.  I think God knew I was going to like expensive things and he gifted me with that talent.  I somehow managed to create a few small businesses by accident and now I'm having to do taxes and paperwork and other adulting crap.  I appreciate the money, but the admin responsibility that goes along with it is just not for me.  Most people decide they want to start a business so they take the appropriate actions in registering their business and even hiring an attorney and a bookkeeper and they figure out how to make their first $100 from there- BUT NOT ME- I made $100 and then had to pay taxes on all of it because saving receipts and applying for a tax ID was somehow beneath me.  Today is different though- I am officially official.  You can call me Sole Proprietor Sally- and I'm saving all the receipts! Speaking of receipts- I had to go buy hay this morning and I have entry fees to pay for running in Waxahachie and Nacadoches this past weekend so if you wanna help your girl out you can swing on over to the catalog and make a purchase!  Here's to growing up- ish.
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