Listen- if you get a chance, click on over to the online store and check out our merch. I know it's a little pricey but the quality is really nice and we could use a little gas money ;)
While Tipsy has been recovering, Spencer and I have been putting in work. We have made two 1D runs in a row, and God willing, our 3rd tomorrow in Carthage. I think we are back, and just in the nick of time. Tomorrow I am paying his fees to run in our first American Qualifier. The qualifier in in Glenrose, Tx February, 1st. We know we probably aren't going to go in, at our age, and automatically advance BUT we want to get in the standings and we can do that with a high enough placing and some points. He's always really loved Glenrose and even though it's been a couple years, I don't figure his opinion of it has changed much. Since we should be in pretty stellar shape at that point, I figure we might could swing over to the big highstakes race in Texarkana that weekend if Tipsy isn't back for the futurity. I hope to get to take her blanket off and get a better look at her shoulder this evening. I really hope it's healed up, I sure do miss riding my best mare.